Melting Away Resistance in Eating Disorder Treatment

ICP 33 W 60th St., 4FL, New York, United States

This hybrid workshop will focus on the specific outcome and process resistances that are common to eating disorders, and will offer therapists specific tools to use with patients at the outset so that the agenda for the work is established.
2 NYS CE credits

CBT for Eating Disorder Treatment
(Oct. 23 & 30, Nov. 13)

Online Event

In this virtual workshop series, traverse the five stages of CBT-E, from assessment and case conceptualization to relapse prevention. Engage in dynamic activities such as case studies, role-playing, and group discussions, reinforcing core CBT principles and practical application.
6 NYS CE credits

Group Therapy for Eating Disordered Patients

Online Event

Eating disorder symptoms are understood to be metaphors that when deciphered, can shed light on the etiology and function of the symptoms.
2 NYS CE credits

Eating Disorder with Men

Online Event

This 2-hour workshop will begin to uncover some of the issues that boys and men face that can lead to eating disorders as well as some of the differences in treatment that can arise.
2 NYS CE credits

Navigating Asexuality in Clinical Practice

Online Event

This presentation delves into the understanding and incorporation of asexual identities in clinical practice, aiming to enhance practitioners’ competency in addressing the unique needs of asexual individuals and their partners.

The Complicated World of Family Cutoffs: Causes, Interventions, and a Deeper Understanding

ICP 33 W 60th St., 4FL, New York, United States

Family estrangement is extremely widespread. This will be a a deep dive into this phenomenon and look at the genogram of a family in order to deepen our understanding of the clinical material and examine the personal, relational, inter-generational, and multi-cultural aspects of this phenomena.

Virtual Workshop: Restoring Connection and Reason in Times of Traumatic Stress

Online Event

This presentation will outline the brain’s response to traumatic events. You will have an opportunity to learn specific techniques that can be implemented immediately. Our approach will help mental health professionals as well as others, understand, manage and calm the emotionally charged reaction all around us. 2 CE Credits

33 W 60th Street
4th Floor
New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212.333.3444
Fax: 212.333.5444
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