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The Two-Year Program in contemporary Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is a convenient evening program designed to provide an intensive learning experience combining course work, individual and group supervision, patient contact, and individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy. We strongly believe that the development of treatment skill and competence can best be carried out in a setting that fosters the therapist’s continued personal growth. The program, therefore, emphasizes the development of personal awareness along with technical skill and theoretical knowledge.

Program History and Mission Statement

The Two-Year Program was developed over 25 years ago at the initiative of Dr. Amy Schaffer, a psychologist and psychoanalyst who is a graduate of ICP’s Psychoanalytic Program. She and other Psychoanalytic Program faculty members were concerned about what seemed to be a shift away from psychoanalysis in some graduate schools. This new program was designed to introduce psychoanalytic thinking to people motivated to improve their clinical work who might not necessarily seek out psychoanalytic training.

The program is ideal for professionals who might want to enroll in the analytic program but have neither time nor money to commit to such an intensive training. Clinicians who might have other orientations but who want to integrate some psychodynamic thinking into their work, benefit from this training, even it they don’t identify as psychodynamic clinicians. The emphasis of the program is clinical-theory is taught to help candidates become better clinicians. Candidates are exposed to the most current thinking in the profession and to some critically important historical roots, as opposed to being steeped in the historical roots alone.

The first class entered in September 1996, and the program has continued to provide a high-quality education to clinicians of all levels of experience. Many of our graduates have found that their exposure to psychodynamic thinking inspired them to continue on with analytic training.

What is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy?

“Psychodynamic” refers to a mind in motion. Psychodynamic thinking focuses on the importance of the unconscious, of symbolic communication, of affect, and of transference (an unconscious experiencing, in an interaction with someone in the present, of feelings and expectations based on a relational pattern from early in one’s life), all of which are dynamic components of experience. There are many different psychoanalytic theories, and all agree that dynamics are central to our encounters – with others, with the world, and with ourselves. Psychodynamic psychotherapy hopes to uncover, explore, and understand a patient’s dynamic factors. Specific treatment goals will vary from person to person, but a general expectation of treatment is that the patient will develop expanded recognition of options in life, patterns of relationships, and learn to identify, tolerate, and manage emotions.

Program Components

The components of the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program are:
  • Theory and clinical classes, and group supervision, from 6 – 9:20 PM on Tuesday nights
  • Weekly individual supervision sessions
  • Weekly individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy session
  • Two patient hours per week, either from ICP’s Adult Treatment Service or from candidate’s work setting / private practice

Eligibility/Program Requirements

Applicants must have a Master’s degree or higher. We accept:
  • Social Workers
  • Mental Health Counselors
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatric Nurses
  • Physicians
  • Creative Arts Therapists
  • Other mental health professionals

Tuition and Expenses/Fees

  • Check back for 2024/25 Tuition and Fees
  • Tuition is subject to change annually.
  • The tuition covers course work and group supervision. Candidates are responsible for their own personal therapy and individual supervision fees.
  • Please note that expenses for training directly related to one’s profession may be considered a tax-deductible expense.

Graduation Requirements

Upon the satisfactory fulfillment of all the program’s requirements, candidates will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. Graduates are eligible to apply to enter the second year of ICP’s Psychoanalytic Program.
  • Attendance:
    Each semester is either 14 or 15 weeks long and consists of 14 class sessions and if 15 weeks long, a mid-semester workshop also.
    • Full semester classes have 14 class sessions.
    • In the first year, one course is divided into four seven-week module classes: each is an introduction to a different theory.
    • For didactic courses and supervision, the attendance policy will be stated in the syllabus.

  • Case Requirements:
    • You are required to see 2 patients in psychotherapy per week for a total of 80 hours minimum per year in the program, 160 hours minimum over the 2 years. The hours counted are for sessions attended.
    • You are required to attend at least 40 sessions of individual supervision each year with an approved ICP supervisor of your choice. You and your supervisor are to focus on the 2 designated patients during your work together.
  • Personal Analysis: You are required to be in once-weekly psychoanalytic psychotherapy with an approved analyst for at least 80 continuous hours over the course of the 2 years of training.
    • An approved analyst is one who: has a certificate in Psychoanalysis from a recognized analytic institute; and graduated at least 5 years ago.
    • If you choose to be in therapy multiple times a week, you still must continue at least one-time-per-week treatment throughout the second year of the program, even if you accumulate many more than 80 hours of treatment total.

Scholarships and Tuition Assistance

Tuition assistance is available, as is a scholarship for a BIPOC candidate. For more information, please contact our Program Manager at

For more information about scholarships and tuition assistance, please click here.

Program Structure

A. Curriculum

The academic year consists of two semesters of classes each year. Classes meet Tuesday evenings from 6 to 9:20 PM. Each evening participants attend one theoretical course, one clinical course, and one group supervision.

In the reading courses, we encourage candidates to discuss their responses to both the content and the experience described in the week’s assigned articles, as well as to present clinical material that relates to the assignments. This is in keeping with our philosophy of personal growth as an integral component of clinical competence.

The Fall semester has 14 classes. The Spring semester has 15: in the additional week, candidates from both years join to attend a mandatory workshop on an important topic that isn’t covered in depth in the regular curriculum. Some recent topics were “A Basic Introduction to Trauma Work,” “Starting a Private Practice,” and “Trans Experience: A First-hand Account.”

Clinical Courses:
The clinical classes focus on the understanding of therapeutic interaction, and on the development of effective clinical skills. Readings serve as the springboard to class discussions in all courses. We encourage candidates to pay attention to their affective responses to the articles, and to develop their capacity for self-reflection in these courses.

Theoretical Courses:
In the first year, each semester consists of two 7-week theory modules. Each of the 4 modules highlights a different theory and its accompanying clinical practices (see details below). By the end of the first year, the candidates have a beginning grounding in the major theoretical schools. The second year’s courses are Development, Assessment 1 and 2, and Unconscious Process / Dreams / and Termination.

First Year

First Semester:

    This course serves as an introduction to working as a psychodynamically-oriented psychotherapist. Readings and case examples address questions such as: what are the therapist’s initial tasks; how does the therapist listen, provide an atmosphere of safety, engage the patient, and encourage curiosity; what are common problems that arise early in treatment; and how may they be used to advance the work?
    The cohort is divided into two groups, each of which meets weekly with its group supervisor to discuss the candidates’ work with individual patients. Each group remains together for both semesters of the first year.
    In this 7-week module, the candidates read and discuss articles by Freud and contemporary Freudian theorists. Freud, the founder of our profession, made contributions from which all other analytic theories derive.
    Also a 7-week module, this course teaches the important theories that began to shift analytic thinking towards a two-person psychology. These expanded the understanding of psychological functioning. Readings include theorists such as Klein, Fairbairn, Winnicott, and contemporary writers.

Second Semester:

    This semester’s material continues to look at therapists’ experiences with patients (including “countertransference”) as a valuable source of information. Current complex clinical concepts are introduced and discussed. Specific aspects of therapy situations are also discussed from the perspective of the therapist’s experience.
    This is a continuation of the first semester’s group.
    This third 7-week module introduces one of the constituent components of “two-person psychology,” through reading Kohut and his followers. The syllabus also covers contemporary Self-Psychological and Intersubjective perspectives.
    In this last 7-week module of the year, candidates learn about Interpersonal theory from articles by major contributors to this school of thought. Contemporary Relational theory developed from many sources, including post-modern and feminist critiques of older models of mind. Candidates read important Relational articles that explore various themes in the profession.

Second Year

First Semester:
    In the second year, the candidates are shifted into different group configurations. This allows for exposure to additional perspectives from other classmates and from new group supervisors. The new groups stay together for both semesters.
    This course focuses on human development from a psychoanalytic perspective. Candidates read developmental theorists who have made contributions to the understanding of infancy, the early relationship between mother and child, and developmental issues from childhood through adulthood. Writings from varying schools of thought, all of which shed light on different aspects of development, are in the syllabus.
    Candidates get an overview of several theories of assessment. This course helps candidates assess symptoms, presenting problems, and on-going patient material. Some topics include affect, trauma, mentalization, as well as borderline, narcissistic, and dissociative states. The way various capacities are expressed in the therapeutic relationship will be considered. Traditional concepts, such as diagnostic entities, character structure, and self- and object-constancy will be integrated with this clinical / relational model of assessment.
Second Semester:
    This is a continuation of the first semester.
    This is a continuation of the first semester.
    This class explores the work we do from a more philosophical perspective, and emphasizes cultivating an appreciation of unconscious processes. Dreams and the termination process include unconscious components. The discussion of dreams may involve personal contributions from some candidates. Termination, a part of each treatment whether dealt with explicitly or not, is an appropriate ending to the semester and the two years of the program.

B. Caseload

Candidates follow two cases throughout the program in weekly individual supervision sessions. The cases can be assigned from ICP’s Adult Treatment service (AT) or can be from the candidates’ private practices or from work settings with the supervisor’s approval.

C. Personal Psychotherapy

Candidates are required to be in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at least once weekly throughout their training. The candidate’s therapist must be a graduate, five or more years ago, of a recognized psychoanalytic institute and be approved by our Training Committee.

Note: A list of ICP therapists who make hours available to candidates on a sliding-scale basis is available upon request upon acceptance into the program.

D. Supervision

In addition to group supervision on Tuesday night, each candidate must complete at least 40 individual supervision sessions per year, for a total of at least 80 sessions while in the program. Candidates choose their supervisors from a list of the approved supervisors, and must work with a different supervisor each year. Scheduling of supervisory sessions is worked out with the supervisor. Fees are set by ICP at a rate of $50 per session.

E. Satisfactory Progress

Maintenance in the program, as well as readiness to graduate, will be determined through periodic evaluation by the Training Committee. Our objective is to train our candidates and help them complete the program, and as we believe in the ability to change, there is a continued open dialogue between candidates, their supervisors, and the Training Committee concerning candidates’ strengths and areas needing improvement. Each supervisory report is discussed with the candidate. The rare candidate who consistently fails to demonstrate satisfactory progress may, after careful consultation, be asked to increase supervision to twice-weekly sessions, take a leave of absence, or be suspended from the program.


All incoming candidates are required to read Freud and Beyond (2nd Edition), by Mitchell and Black. This book is also useful for people who are considering applying to our program. Our candidates read articles from all different eras of our profession. You might choose to do some reading of your own, especially after reading Freud and Beyond, in which you’ll learn about the main theoretical perspectives of the profession. Other recommendations are The Examined Life by Stephen Grosz, a book that offers vignettes that illustrate how various psychodynamic concepts are lived in psychotherapy, and The Relational Revolution by Steven Kuchuck. This book discusses the importance of Relational concepts and how they effect change in a treatment.

Some of the authors whose works our curriculum includes are:
Lewis Aron
Jessica Benjamin
Sandra Buechler
Philip Bromberg
Marilyn Charles
Muriel Dimen
W. R. D. Fairbarin
Sandor Ferenczi
Sigmund Freud
Emmanuel Ghent
Chanda Griffin
Adrienne Harris
Anton Hart
Judith Lewis Herman
Melanie Klein
Heinz Kohut
Lynne Layton
Kimberlyn Leary
Edgar Levenson
Karen Maroda
Nancy McWilliams
Stephen A. Mitchell
Donna Orange
Adam Phillips
Arietta Slade
Donnel Stern
Robert Stolorow
Harry Stack Sullivan
Donald W. Winnicott

Application Process

To apply to the Two-Year Program, we require the following:
  • A completed application with a $75 application fee
  • The applicant’s resume.
  • Three letters of reference from people familiar with the applicant’s clinical work. The application includes Letter of Reference forms to be sent to each reference.
  • An official graduate-school transcript.
  • A form to be completed and returned by the applicant’s therapist indicating their credentials if the applicant is currently in therapy.
Upon receipt of completed applications, two individual interviews are arranged with Training Committee members and / or faculty member.
Application Deadline: We will start accepting applications in early Spring. Applications are due in early June (exact date TBD).

2024-2025 Information Sessions
Details will be announced in early 2024.

Ready to apply?
Access the application and pay the application fee using the buttons above.

For more information about our program, the application process, or scholarships/financial aid: Contact our Program Manager at

Training Committee, Faculty, & Supervisors

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program’s Training Committee
Jennifer Charney, LCSW, is a graduate of Smith College’s School of Social Work. She received certificates in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and in Psychoanalysis from ICP.

Shannon Cruz-Herr, LCSW, is a graduate of Silberman’s School of Social Work at Hunter College. She received certificates in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis from ICP.

Ora Ezrachi, PhD, has a Doctorate in Educational Psychology from NYU. She received a certificate in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy from ICP.

Irna Gadd, LCSW, graduated from Yeshiva University’s School of Social Work. She received a certificate in Psychoanalysis from PPSC, and completed Supervisory Training at ICP. She is the Director of the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program.

Maeve Hanley, BS, is a graduate from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. She is the Program Manager of the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program.

Seshie Hargett, LCSW, is a graduate from Columbia University’s School of Social Work and received certificates in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis from ICP.

Elisa Messore, LCSW-R is a graduate from Columbia University’s School of Social Work. She received a certificate in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy from ICP.

Mara Nellis, LCSW, is a graduate of Hunter College’s School of Social Work. She received certificates in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and in Psychoanalysis from ICP.

2022 – 2023 Faculty
Jennifer Charney, LCSW
Anthony Cianci, LCSW
Shannon Cruz-Herr, LCSW
Susan Gair, LCSW
Lauren Ginsberg, LCSW
Chanda Griffin, LCSW
Vanessa Grimm, LCSW
Seshie Hargett, LCSW
Lauren Knapp, LCSW
Kathleen Miller, LCSW
Carolyn Schaefer, LCSW-R
David Yourman, PhD

Program Supervisors
Christopher Bandini, LCSW
Bruce Berman, PhD
Silvia Birklein, PhD
Luc Charlap, PhD
Shannon Cruz-Herr, LCSW
Victoria Demos, PhD
Gabriel DiCicco, LCSW
Barbara Dusansky, PhD
Susan Gair, LCSW
Gigi Gareri-Goldenberg, LCSW
Lauren Ginsberg, LCSW
Stefanie Solow Glennon, PhD
Leslie Goldstein, LCSW
Andrew Goodman, LCSW
Hannah Hahn, PhD
Katie Hall, LCSW
Mara Heiman, LCSW
Leslie Hendelman, LCSW
Gary Jacobson, LCSW
Vanessa Jackson, LCSW-R
Holly Levenkron, LCSW
Ellen Levine, LCSW
Leah Lipton, LCSW
Diane Lopez, LCSW
Mary Anne Lowell, LCSW
Yamille Mason, LCAT
Mark Mellinger, PhD
Mara Nellis, LCSW
Erin O’Mara, LCSW
Gordon Powell, LCSW
Marty Rock, PhD
Linda Rosenberg, LCSW
Karen Roser, PsyD
Deb Sherman, BC-DMT, LMHC, Certified Psychoanalyst
Michelle Shubin, LCSW BCD
Sandy Silverman, LCSW
Alan Sirote, LCSW
Steven Spitz, PhD
Michelle Stephens, LP
Rhonda Sternberg, PhD
Jim Stoeri, PhD
Jennifer Stone-Levine, LCSW, PhD
Don Troise, LSW
Stephanie Vanden Bos, LCSW
Joan Weiner, LCSW-R
Rebecca Wertkin, LCSW
Eli Zal, LCSW
Stefan Zicht, PhD


I have a full-time job. How much time does the program take?
Classes start at 6 PM and end at 9:20 PM on Tuesday nights. In addition, you’ll have a weekly individual supervision session (45-50 minutes), a weekly therapy session (45-50 minutes), and if you see patients at ICP, 2 sessions with them (2 hours total, including paperwork). Reading for classes varies.
How big are the classes?
We can accept as many as 16 people for each incoming class.
How can I learn more about the program?
We hold several Information Sessions each Spring. At these, you’ll have the opportunity to hear current candidates and to ask questions you might have after the presentation. Dates for those Information Sessions will be announced later in the year. Feel free to notify the Program Manager of your interest.
Do you have rolling admissions?
No. We wait until all the applicants have had their interviews and then have our admissions meeting at the end of June. All applicants are evaluated then.
Is there any advantage to applying earlier than the due date?

Yes. If you send your application early, and your letters of recommendation come in early, you and the interviewers have more flexibility in scheduling the interviews.

Can I call ICP to schedule my interviews?
Once ICP receives your application and references, our Program Manager will let you know which two interviewers to call.
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New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212.333.3444
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